Ok...so it was a crazy couple of weeks..
Why haven't I posted? Well.....we just happen to live right near where the latest American Idol winner lived...
meaning ..
we were completely caught up in IDOL mania!
From banners to Tshirts, to every restaurant, coffee shop, bakery, you name it..there was no where that his songs weren't playing and VOTE 4 LEE was everywhere!
Oh and when he had his hometown visit...we had a phone call from the police telling us which roads to take that day so that we wouldn't get stuck!! it was crazy ...EVERYONE was caught up in it!! we even got tickets to the hometown event along with 41,000 people in our town!!
a paint salesman that worked only minutes from our home and mixed our paint last year in our last reno project...the other night he was on Larry King...what a difference a year makes!
So...it was a crazy time...and soooo much fun!!
and then FINALLY..last week, the finale came and Lee Dewyze won!!
( yes, I LOVED crystal..but this WAS a hometown boy!)
Lee's banners were everywhere..the screams were genuine and finally after all these weeks, we all are breathing a collective sigh of relief as summer has come, idol is over and we and our entire town can get back to regular life!!
SO back to photos!!...This week, I am featuring some cool snapshots that i happen to run across..that show the JOY of summer...
don't you just love summer??
Today, my hubby and I walked around a lake...with the ducks..kids running around...people out fishing, the wind was in our hair.. and .ahhhh i could taste the freedom that this wonderful weather brings!
anyhow..just wanted to give a short update and wish you ALL a happy healthy summer!!
and i will be posting more ideas of things to do with photos..
Listed on this page is ETSY and in it are things I have made with photos during the past few weeks, I keep trying to make some new things and put them up from time to time...
hey it is great for mental health!!
SO have a glass of ice tea..put your feet up and enjoy the warm weather!