so i went to iowa for 2 days and we HAD to stop at a sale along the way...and what do you think they had....PHOTOS..loads of them...so we (we..? ok maybe I) had to get them ....then while we were in Iowa we were cleaning out a home for a family member and what do you think i found...PHOTOS...loads of them...and then on the way back to Chicago..I found another estate and what do you think I got???....you guessed it ...PHOTOS... loads of them... so i had to ask the hubby to carry all the boxes upstairs and he said...CATHI...you have SOO MANY PHOTOS...
where do i even put these boxes??
(but look at these how can you RESIST these???)
How can I turn any of these beauties away?.....they are all so wonderful for so many reasons.....NOW DONT GET ME WRONG, I DO NOT LIKE the faded ones, the dirty ones, or the torn ones.. (and yes, I weed them out and even throw them out and get rid of those that arent top quality or very unique) .....but lately i have found some of the most beautiful images EVER and such quality found in out of the way places......Like this beautiful cabinet photo..or an incredible 1914 image of women in a car (like what is at the top of this post) oh... how can you not bring that back home with you.........and look at it..and even dream about the stories these photos must have had....
and so it is with a photoholic...
when is enough enough....? in my case...i have never had enough of photos..not now...not in the past 40+ years ...so at least i have a room....
it is a large room...with 2 closets.......and those closets arent quite full.....yet..............
they are professional..but still one of a kind photos..and wow..soo classic!
like is this really a metal razor...havent seen those for a long time!!
a happy construction worker???
anyhow...fun photos from the 50s....just wanted to share them....
tomorrow i head out of town for 2 days to see family...so yes, i listed like crazy...and now i have a full store..and can happily run out of town for a few days......
but HAD to share these!! to me ...they are SOO funny!!
So my advice is: GO TO THE ROADSHOW if you have a chance...bring a gurnee to carry things... and put your makeup on just in case you make in on tv...
Helen makes notations on ALL the photos which in turn tells the family story....at the end she even gets engaged and you meet the man...sooo cool! but in the meantime..you meet her brother Bud..well Bud has a thing for goat carts..and he has plenty of them as well as his favorite goat Nanny...sooo fun ..
there are loads of photos of Bud and Helen dressed for parties as well as a neat image of a Valentines party....
Here is Nanny pulling yet another cart in the snow!
anyhow..this is the COOLEST ALBUM..and although I WANTED TO KEEP THIS...ah well..kids in college..what can i say???
This is my BELOVED SUGAR DOLL BECAUSE GUESS WHAT??? GUESS WHERE I AM GOING ON SATURDAY???? I am going to the Antiques Roadshow in Grand Rapids Michigan on Saturday with the hubby..
This doll is made completely of sugar and is from early 1800s...cool huh?I will tell the story after I go to Antiques Roadshow (I will update on Sunday)
sooo cant wait..what fun....
so for neat 1920s photo albums and antiques roadshow...Lovely summertime!