Here is a list of a few treasured investments that have not lost their value in recent times :)
A good laugh on the phone with my mom
The smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven
Remembering fun memories through old photos
Dancing in my car to a great album
The awesome feeling of having completed a fat burning workout!
Comfy down comforters
A loving kiss...
[This photo comes from the estate of Allan J De Lay, Portland photographer for the Oregonian Newspaper. It is so adorable, I couldn't resist blogging it! It made me remember that there is no price tag on fun moments like this. ]

(You win!! A great color tinted photo will be on its way to your home!)
The best title for the weird photo below is:
"I'm her. He's me"
***Thanks to everyone who participated. Those who didn't--you missed out! If you are too scared to write because you don't want to sign up to blogger--just do it! Its a painless process & they won't send you spam or sell your info. It would be fun to hear from everyone who reads this, I would love the feedback! Plus it would encourage me to write more often!**
***Thanks to everyone who participated. Those who didn't--you missed out! If you are too scared to write because you don't want to sign up to blogger--just do it! Its a painless process & they won't send you spam or sell your info. It would be fun to hear from everyone who reads this, I would love the feedback! Plus it would encourage me to write more often!**