I want to apologize for any of you out there that read this blog for photos..
I had SO many big plans for the Christmas season..teaching how to do ornaments and pillows and all sorts of cool decorating things with all those wonderful photos...
and then ..when i came home from france..my 91 year old momma (who i have talked about in other posts) got very ill and was sent to the hospital.
That was at the end of October.....today, December 9th, she was just placed in hospice and i, as the daughter who is the caregiver, had to sign all those forms that make you just want to cry.
She has been an exceptional mom, was married over 59 years, lived in the same home for over 60 years. She has been a great example, of a strong independant woman who loved her husband and her family, and still carved out her own niche in life. I will miss her more than words.
I opened up a scripture today in the Bible that said:
Ecclesiastes 7: 1 A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth.
My mother has been a fine perfume..
for old photos..memories...lives well spent...and the tears that come from that along the way