So this is the photo I am featuring this week...how absolutely romantic...
I love the style..the composition and the romance of the early 20s era
I always...always am hunting for 20s photo..
and especially those wonderful Vaudeville photos...I mean they are simply art..how beautiful......
So the other day I was looking at the news and found out that there is another movie filming where it has the fashions of the 20s, and once again Marion Cotillard is wearing the most beautiful of gowns...now people are wondering if there will be a revival of fashion from this era..
Wow..I hope so!! I hope that this is a new trend, that we take some of the beauty of the 20s and look at it again...
The academy awards this year feature Hugo (take a look at the fashions in this one ~ especially at the end of the movie!! ..sooo magical!!) Midnight in Paris, (love that one!! how absolutely fun!!), and the Artist..(ok, I have not seen this yet..but I will!!)
It was in an era where there was so much change, and the fashions were amazing................