I will confess...I have been so slow to update my blog...but i have been soo busy with getting my presents done..
amazing..it is now the 15th of December and I am almost done shopping..
I think it is a first..
and along the way..i found myself at a frame shop..
well, i do have alot of photos...and so many times, i just have to frame them...they are true pieces of art.
There is this one photographer..( THE ABOVE IS ONE OF HIS PHOTOS...he titled it: A head c 1909 and it is for auction this week)
named CR Tucker..I don't know anything about him, except that I got these from a woman in the hills of Pennsylvania and she bought them at an estate sale..
well, it appears that he was some local artist..might have been famous in his day..although I have yet to find information on him..
anyhow..the more i see of his stuff...well the more i am a fan..
his photos are simply amazing..
but why they are amazing is why i love them...
the photos he did was when photography was in it's infancy, when photographers were experimenting with all different kinds of styles..
his was primitive in his style..yet there is such a softness to them..so unique and such a contrast to the studio photos that we all find from the early 1900s
anyhow..i will be introducing more of them.. I will confess, I have many sitting in my own collection but after going to the frame shop and looking at my walls i realize there is no way i can keep them all...
so be on the lookout...they will be showing up from time to time and these are quite magnificent..and so rare to find...
Hope your holidays are going well..and that you will be surrounded by love, light and laughter..
(oh and yes, just that right amount of art!)