i found some really pretty photos..along the way...and had to show them to you!!
Isn't this the coolest headpiece??
It was from a studio years ago named Sol Young, which I have found are incredible photos..
Here is an excerpt from an article i found on line about him:
" Sol. Young opened his first photographic studio in Union Square, New York in 1893. By the turn of the century he was operating at six separate premises, starting in Brooklyn, New York and Newark, New Jersey, and later spreading to Philadelphia and Connecticut. By the time of his death on 23 September 1921, there were eighteen studios. He was also one of the pioneers in the pastel and crayon industry."
Sometimes, I randomly run across these kinds of things...and they are simply a step above most other photos..
So this is my 1st Communion girl..guess it was all that visiting churches in France, and looking up family..that made this one catch my eye..
but it is a beauty, eh??
and what about that headpiece!!
have a great summer...........and a happy 4th!!