The photo above is how Ebay makes us sellers feel these days!
As of March 30th...
Everyone's store inventory will be in the CORE ebay sales.
What does that mean?
That means there is ALOT of stuff to go through if you are looking for something.
To give an example:
I looked at a seller that specialized in Tshirts.
At any given time, he has 50 Tshirts up...
but he has 135,000 Tshirts in his store!!
ALL 135,000 Tshirts will now be in the Search engine..
so you will have to wade thru his 135,000 tshirts as well as everyone elses..
so what to do??
If you like auctions...
(I still love the hunt!!)
Then go to the tab marked AUCTIONS
Then go to place on the upper right that says BEST MATCH
and pull it down and put in NEWLY LISTED
This way..you will see what is new in the area you like to look into..
or what is ending soonest.
NOTE: If for any reason, you are NOT happy with this system..(give it time, there will be some bugs that HAVE to be worked out in the next few days)
Then PLEASE write EBAY...they listen to buyers..
Not to us sellers...but they definately listen to YOU the buyers..
I will update this blog more..i promise..
Good Luck!!