Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Springtime is trying hard to get here....

A few nights ago, there was the biggest moon because it was supposed to be closer to fact, it was so rare you weren't supposed to see another one like it until 2029 was foggy, and rainy..and i kept checking and checking..
no moon!

then..the other day here in the Chicago was getting warm..I had a light jacket was so wonderful...

tonight it snowed..

but you cant fool me..i know that spring is coming...........
i saw the pregnant robin the other day...

saw this beautiful photo and wanted to share it with you...
it is on auction this week..

oh and i apologize for not updating..

i think it was between, a vacation with the hubby, then i got sick..a long cold that didn't want to go away, and then the hubby with a long cold that didn't want to go away..being glued to the television with all the latest news ...

anyhow..excuses aplenty..i just didnt post..

but i found this photo..and thought..

Spring is coming...


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